
1967 yılında Ankara’da doğdum. Üniversite öncesi eğitimlerimi Ankara Namık Kemal İlk ve Ortaokulu ve Kabataş Erkek Lisesinde tamamladım.1984-1990 yılları arasında İstanbul Üniversitesi, Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesinden mezun olarak Tıp doktoru ünvanımı aldım. Aynı yıl Taksim Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kliniğinde uzmanlık eğitimime başladım. Bu zaman diliminde Amerikan Bristol Hastanesinde Prof.Dr. Ayan Gülgönen ve Prof. Dr. Türker Özkan başta olmak üzere değerli el cerrahisi hocalarından eğitim ve deneyim aktarımı alma fırsatım oldu. Uzmanlık eğitimini tamamladığım 1995 yılında 2 yıllık zorunlu hizmetimi tamamladığım Bilecik Devlet Hastanesi ve askerliğimi tamamladığım Merzifon Hava Hastanesi dışında Baltalimanı Kemik Hastalıkları Hastanesinde belirli süreler çalıştıktan sonar tekrar eğitim gördüğüm kliniğe döndüm. 2009 yılına dek uzmanlık öğrencisi doktor arkadaşlarımın eğitim ve öğrenimlerine katkı sağladım. Prof.Dr. Atilla Parmaksızoğlu, Prof. Dr. Yavuz Kabukçuoğlu hocalarımın deneyim ve mentorluklarından yararlandım. Bu süre zarfında pek çok Milli Kongrede ve Avrupa Kongrelerinde sunumlarda bulundum. 2009-2010 yılında burslu olarak gittiğim Colorado Üniversitesi Denver Health Center’da AO trauma fellowship, bunu takiben 2010-2011 yıllarında yine burslu olarak gittiğim NY Columbia Üniversitesi NY Presbiterian Hospital’da Int. Carroll Fund Hand Surgery fellowship programlarını diplomayla tamamlayarak ülkeme döndüm. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde bulunduğum süre zarfında yaptığım araştırma çalışmalarını Dünya Mikrocerrahi, Amerikan Mikrocerrahi, Amerikan El Cerrahisi ve Amerikan Ortopedik Cerrahi Akademisinin kongre/toplantılarında sundum ve ödüller aldım.
2012’de El Cerrahisi uzmanı olmaya ve Ortopedi-Travmatoloji doçenti olmaya hak kazandım. Aynı yıl resmi görevlerimden ayrılarak özel sektöre geçtim. Çalıştığım Liv UlusHospital-Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi, Acıbadem Taksim Hastanesinde ekip çalışmasının çeşitli pozisyonlarında bulundum. 2015 yılında Los Angeles UCLA üniversitesinde kısa süreli deneysel çalışmalarda bulundum. Bu çalışmayla da Amerikan Ortopedik Akademisinden ödül aldım. 2018-2020 yılları arasında İstanbul Okan Üniversitesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji ABD’da profesörlük görevinde bulunarak kıymetli tıp öğrencilerimizin öğrenimlerine katkı sağladım. 2020 yılından bu yana da solo olarak kendi kliniğimde çalışmaktayım. Aralıklı da olsa eski öğrenci ve doktor arkadaşlarımın çeşitli klinik araştırma çalışmalarına destek olmaya çalışmaktayım.


About Me

I was born in Ankara in 1967. I completed my pre-university education at Ankara Namık Kemal Primary and Secondary School and Kabataş High School for Boys. Between 1984-1990, I graduated from Istanbul University, Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty and received my medical doctor title. In the same year, I started my specialization training at the Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic of Taksim Training and Research Hospital. During this time, at the American Bristol Hospital especially with Prof.Dr. Ayan Gülgönen and Prof. Dr. Türker Özkan I had the opportunity to receive training and experience transfer from valuable hand surgery instructors. In 1995, when I completed my specialty training, I returned to the clinic where I was trained after working for certain periods at Baltalimanı Bone Diseases Hospital, except for Bilecik State Hospital, where I completed my 2-year compulsory service, and Merzifon Air Hospital, where I completed my military service. Until 2009, I contributed to the education and training of my fellow residents. I benefited from the experience and mentorship of Prof.Dr.Atilla Parmaksızoğlu, Prof.Dr.Yavuz Kabukçuoğlu. During this period, I made presentations at many National Congresses and European Congresses. AO trauma fellowship at the University of Colorado Denver Health Center, where I went with a scholarship in 2009-2010, Following this, I completed the international Carroll Fund Hand Surgery fellowship programs with a diploma at NY Columbia University NY Presbyterian Hospital, where I went on a scholarship in 2010-2011, and returned to my country.  During my time in the United States, I presented my research studies at the congresses/meetings of World Microsurgery, American Microsurgery, American Hand Surgery and American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery and received awards.

In 2012, I qualified to become a Hand Surgery specialist and an Orthopedics-Traumatology associate professor. In the same year, I left my official duties and moved to the private sector. I worked at Liv UlusHospital-Bahçeşehir University Acıbadem Taksim Hospital in various positions of teamwork. In 2015, I did short-term experimental studies at UCLA University in Los Angeles. With this work, I received an award from the American Orthopedic Academy. I contributed to the education of our precious medical students by working as a professor at Istanbul Okan University Orthopedics and Traumatology USA between 2018-2020. Since 2020, I have been working solo in my own clinic. Although intermittently, I try to support various clinical research studies of my former student and doctor friends.


Sur Moi

Je suis né à Ankara en 1967. J'ai terminé mes études pré-universitaires à l'école primaire et secondaire Namık Kemal d'Ankara et au lycée pour garçons Kabataş. Entre 1984 et 1990, j'ai obtenu mon diplôme de la faculté de médecine Cerrahpaşa de l'Université d'Istanbul et j'ai reçu mon titre de docteur en médecine. La même année, j'ai commencé ma formation de spécialisation à la clinique d'orthopédie et de traumatologie de l'hôpital de formation et de recherche de Taksim. Pendant ce temps, à l'American Bristol Hospital notamment avec le Prof.Dr. Ayan Gülgönen et Prof. Dr. Türker Özkan J'ai eu l'opportunité de recevoir une formation et un transfert d'expérience de précieux instructeurs de chirurgie de la main. En 1995, lorsque j'ai terminé ma formation de spécialité, je suis retourné à la clinique où j'ai été formé après avoir travaillé pendant certaines périodes à l'hôpital des maladies osseuses de Baltalimanı, à l'exception de l'hôpital d'État de Bilecik, où j'ai terminé mon service obligatoire de 2 ans, et Merzifon Air Hospital , où j'ai effectué mon service militaire. Jusqu'en 2009, j'ai contribué à l'éducation et à la formation de mes concitoyens. J'ai bénéficié de l'expérience et du mentorat de Prof.Dr.Atilla Parmaksızoğlu, Prof.Dr.Yavuz Kabukçuoğlu. Au cours de cette période, j'ai fait des présentations à de nombreux congrès nationaux et congrès européens. Bourse de recherche en traumatologie AO au centre de santé de Denver de l'Université du Colorado, où je suis allée avec une bourse en 2009-2010. Suite à cela, j'ai terminé les programmes internationaux de bourses de recherche en chirurgie de la main Carroll Fund avec un diplôme à l'hôpital presbytérien de NY Columbia University NY, où je suis allé sur une bourse en 2010-2011, et je suis retourné dans mon pays. Pendant mon séjour aux États-Unis, j'ai présenté mes études de recherche aux congrès / réunions de la microchirurgie mondiale, de la microchirurgie américaine, de la chirurgie de la main américaine et de l'Académie américaine de chirurgie orthopédique et j'ai reçu des prix.

En 2012, j'ai obtenu le diplôme de spécialiste en chirurgie de la main et professeur associé d'orthopédie-traumatologie. La même année, j'ai quitté mes fonctions officielles et je suis passé au secteur privé. J'ai travaillé à l'hôpital Acıbadem Taksim de l'Université Liv UlusHospital-Bahçeşehir dans divers postes de travail d'équipe. En 2015, j'ai fait des études expérimentales de courte durée à l'Université UCLA de Los Angeles. Avec ce travail, j'ai reçu un prix de l'American Orthopaedic Academy. J'ai contribué à l'éducation de nos précieux étudiants en médecine en travaillant comme professeur à l'Université d'orthopédie et de traumatologie d'Istanbul Okan aux États-Unis entre 2018 et 2020. Depuis 2020, je travaille en solo dans ma propre clinique. Bien que par intermittence, j'essaie de soutenir diverses études de recherche clinique de mes anciens amis étudiants et médecins.


عن حقي

ولدت في أنقرة عام 1967. أكملت تعليمي قبل الجامعي في مدرسة أنقرة نامق كمال الابتدائية والثانوية ومدرسة كاباتاش الثانوية للبنين. بين عامي 1984-1990 ، تخرجت من كلية طب جراح باشا بجامعة إسطنبول وحصلت على لقب طبيب. في نفس العام ، بدأت تدريبي التخصصي في عيادة جراحة العظام والكسور في مستشفى تقسيم للتدريب والبحوث. خلال هذا الوقت ، في مستشفى بريستول الأمريكية خاصة مع البروفيسور د. أيان غولغونين والبروفيسور الدكتور تركر أوزكان أتيحت لي الفرصة لتلقي التدريب ونقل الخبرة من مدربين قيّمين في جراحة اليد. في عام 1995 ، عندما أكملت تدريبي التخصصي ، عدت إلى العيادة حيث تدربت بعد العمل لفترات معينة في مستشفى بالتاليماني لأمراض العظام ، باستثناء مستشفى بيلجيك الحكومي ، حيث أكملت خدمتي الإجبارية لمدة عامين ، ومستشفى ميرزيفون الجوي حيث أكملت خدمتي العسكرية. حتى عام 2009 ، ساهمت في تعليم وتدريب زملائي المقيمين. لقد استفدت من خبرة وتوجيه البروفيسور الدكتور أتيلا بارماكسوز أوغلو ، البروفيسور الدكتور يافوز كابوكجوغلو. خلال هذه الفترة ، قدمت عروضاً في العديد من المؤتمرات الوطنية والمؤتمرات الأوروبية. زمالة (ا و ) للصدمات في مركز دنفر الصحي بجامعة كولورادو ، حيث ذهبت بمنحة دراسية في 2009-2010 ، وبعد ذلك ، أكملت برامج زمالة كارول في جراحة اليد

الدولية بدبلومة في مستشفى جامعة نيويورك كولومبيا في نيويورك ، حيث ذهبت في منحة دراسية في 2010-2011 ، وعاد إلى بلدي. خلال فترة وجودي في الولايات المتحدة ، قدمت دراساتي البحثية في مؤتمرات / اجتماعات الجراحة المجهرية العالمية والجراحة المجهرية الأمريكية وجراحة اليد الأمريكية والأكاديمية الأمريكية لجراحة العظام وحصلت على جوائز

في عام 2012 ، تأهلت لأصبح متخصصًا في جراحة اليد وأستاذًا مشاركًا في جراحة العظام والكسور. في نفس العام تركت واجباتي الرسمية وانتقلت إلى القطاع الخاص. عملت في مستشفى ليف أولوس - بهجة شهير في مستشفى أجيبادم تقسيم في مناصب مختلفة من العمل الجماعي. في عام 2015 ، أجريت دراسات تجريبية قصيرة المدى في جامعة (اسول) في لوس أنجلوس. بهذا العمل ، تلقيت جائزة من أكاديمية جراحة العظام الأمريكية. لقد ساهمت في تعليم في

طلاب الطب الثمينين لدينا من خلال العمل كأستاذ في جراحة العظام والكسور في جامعة أوكان بإسطنبول بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بين 2018-2020. منذ عام 2020 ، أعمل بمفردي في عيادتي. على الرغم من أنني أحاول بشكل متقطع دعم الدراسات البحثية السريرية المختلفة لأصدقائي من الطلاب والطبيبين السابقين


Rreth Meje

Kam lindur në Ankara në vitin 1967. Arsimin parauniversitar e kam kryer në shkollën fillore dhe të mesme Ankara Namık Kemal dhe në shkollën e mesme për djem Kabataş. Ndërmjet viteve 1984-1990, u diplomova në Universitetin e Stambollit, Fakulteti i Mjekësisë Cerrahpaşa dhe mora titullin doktor mjekësor. Në të njëjtin vit fillova trajnimin tim të specializimit në Klinikën e Ortopedisë dhe Traumatologjisë të Spitalit të Trajnimit dhe Kërkimit Taksim. Gjatë kësaj kohe, në Spitalin Amerikan të Bristolit veçanërisht me Prof.Dr. Ayan Gülgönen dhe Prof. Dr. Türker Özkan pata mundësinë të marr trajnim dhe transferim eksperience nga instruktorë të vlefshëm të kirurgjisë së dorës. Në vitin 1995, kur përfundova trajnimin tim të specialitetit, u ktheva në klinikën ku jam trajnuar pasi kam punuar për periudha të caktuara në Spitalin e Sëmundjeve të Kockave Baltalimanı, me përjashtim të Spitalit Shtetëror Bilecik, ku kam kryer shërbimin e detyrueshëm 2-vjeçar dhe Spitalit Ajror Merzifon. , ku kam kryer shërbimin ushtarak. Deri në vitin 2009 kam kontribuar në edukimin dhe trajnimin e bashkëbanorëve të mi. Kam përfituar nga përvoja dhe mentorimi i Prof.Dr.Atilla Parmaksızoğlu, Prof.Dr.Yavuz Kabukçuoğlu. Gjatë kësaj periudhe kam bërë prezantime në shumë Kongrese Kombëtare dhe Kongrese Evropiane. Bursa e traumës AO në Qendrën Shëndetësore të Universitetit të Kolorados Denver, ku shkova me një bursë në 2009-2010, Pas kësaj, unë përfundova programet ndërkombëtare të bursave të Carroll Fund Hand Surgery me një diplomë në Spitalin Presbyterian të Universitetit NY Columbia, ku shkova me një bursë studimi në 2010-2011, dhe u ktheva në vendin tim. Gjatë qëndrimit në Shtetet e Bashkuara, kam prezantuar studimet e mia kërkimore në kongreset/takimet e Mikrokirurgjisë Botërore, Mikrokirurgjisë Amerikane, Kirurgjisë Amerikane të Dorës dhe Akademisë Amerikane të Kirurgjisë Ortopedike dhe kam marrë çmime.

Në vitin 2012 u kualifikova për t'u bërë specialist i Kirurgjisë së Dorës dhe profesor i asociuar Ortopedi-Traumatologji. Në të njëjtin vit lashë detyrën zyrtare dhe kalova në sektorin privat. Kam punuar në Liv Ulus Hospital-Bahçeşehir University Acıbadem Taksim Hospital në pozicione të ndryshme të punës ekipore. Në vitin 2015, bëra studime eksperimentale afatshkurtra në Universitetin UCLA në Los Angeles. Me këtë punë mora një çmim nga Akademia Ortopedike Amerikane. Kontribuova në edukimin e studentëve tanë të çmuar të mjekësisë duke punuar si profesor në Universitetin Okan Ortopedi dhe Traumatologji të Stambollit në SHBA midis 2018-2020. Që nga viti 2020, unë punoj vetëm në klinikën time. Edhe pse me ndërprerje, përpiqem të mbështes studime të ndryshme kërkimore klinike të miqve të mi të dikurshëm studentë dhe doktorë.

İdari Ödüller

2009 yılında İstanbul il sağlık müdürünün verdiği teşekkür belgesi

Bilimsel Ödüller
a) Kişisel burslar:

  • AO Foundation Bursu-İsviçre (AO Trauma Fellowship Programı, Denver ABD; Nisan –Haziran 2009) 4000$
  • Robert E. Carroll Foundation Bursu-ABD (El cerrahisi Fellowship programı- New York ABD; Ekim 2009-Nisan 2011) 65000$

    b) Çalışma Ödülleri(Grants-Honors): 
  • American Association for Hand Surgery (AASH) Research Grant “A Functional and Histological Comparison of Acellular Nerve Allograft and Cabled Nerve Autograft” $5,000 - 2009.
  • Orthopaedic Research and Scientific Foundation (OSRF) Grant “A Functional and Histological Comparison of Acellular Nerve Allograft and Cabled Nerve Autograft” $15,800 - 2010
  • Orthopaedic Research and Scientific Foundation (OSRF) Grant “Improvement of sciatic nerve regeneration using enriched white adipose tissue flap as a biologic scaffold” $5000- 2010.
  • Orthopaedic Research and Scientific Foundation (OSRF) Grant ”Enhancement of experimental fracture healing by local soft callus tissue”$5000-2011.
  • American Association for Hand Surgery (AASH) Research Grant ”Enhancement of experimental fracture healing by local soft callus tissue”$5000-2011.
  • G.Konopka, A.Kılıç, Y. Akelina, R.Regalbuto, T.R.Gardner, P.Tang.Functional outcomes of nerve defects treated with matched- diameter allograft vs. Cabled autograft. The New York Society for Surgery of theHand(NYSSH) Meeting. New York-Mayıs’2011. (En iyi proje: Birincilik ödülü)
  • 6. KLRM, LLC (Long Beach, CA); National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke; National Institute of General Medicine NINDS/NIGMS SCINS064611(MGF); National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities(NIMHD) 5U54MD00 7558-06(MGF); NIMHD S21 MD000103(MGF)” Acceleration of fracture healing in the rat modulated by compounds that stimulate inducible nitric oxide synthase” 10000$-2015.


Ulusal/Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler

  • Parmaksizoglu A, Kilic A, Orhan Z, Kurt A,Yazici N, Sozen YV. IM nailing of tibial shaft fractures. Acta Ortop. Traum. Turc. 1997. 31: 22-25
  • Kilic A, Demir BB, Parmaksizoglu AS, Sayin BE. Congenital hand abnormalities: Our practice. Med. Bulletin Taksim Hospital 2004; 34: 28-30.
  • Kilic A, Kayiran A, Ozkaya U, Gul M, Sayin E. Our results of radius distal fractures treated with external fixation. Med. Bulletin Taksim Hospital 2004; 34: 31-37.
  • Kilic A, Parmaksizoglu A, Ozkaya U, Sayin E. Long term results of patella fractures treated with surgically. Med.Bulletin Taksim Hospital. 2004; 34:12-15.
  • Kilic A, Kesin E, Kayiran E, Sayin B. Post traumatic arthritis after ankle fractures treated with surgically: Effect of open reduction and internal fixation on OA. Med. Bulletin Taksim Hospital 2005; 35: 34-39.
  • Kilic A, Menges O, Parmaksizoglu A, Kayiran E, Beng K, Sayin E. Our results of intertrochanteric femur fractures treated with sliding hip screw. Med. Bulletin Taksim Hospital 2005; 35: 30-33
  • Kilic A, Kayiran E, Gul M, Ozkaya U, Ozturk İ. Necrotising fasciitis following closed femoral diaphyseal fracture in a child. Joint Dis Rel Surg, 2006; 17:105-109.
  • Kilic A, Parmaksizoglu A, Ozturk İ. Volar dislocation of the wrist with open dorsal dislocation of the distal ulna in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis. Joint Dis Rel Surg, 2006; 17: 56- 58.
  • Gul M, Kilic A, Sokucu S, Yeniocak S, Kabukcuoglu Y. Fracture-dıslocatıon of the wrist with ipsilateral elbow dislocation: Case report. J. Kartal Tr 2007; 18: 145-148.
  • Ozkaya U, Kabukcuoglu Y, Parmaksizoglu AS, Kilic A, Sokucu S, Basilgan S. Results of surgically managed intraarticular calcaneal fractures. J. Kartal Tr 2007; 18: 53-67.
  • Kilic A, Parmaksizoglu A, Kabukcuoglu Y, Bilgili F, Lapcin O. Extramembranous transfer of the tibialis posterior tendon for the correction of drop foot deformity. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2008;42: 310- 315.
  • Kilic A, Kabukcuoglu Y, Gul M, Sokucu S. Evaluation of PEM (Patient Evaluation Measurement) in carpal tunnel syndrome. The medical bulletin of Sisli Etfal Hospital. 2009: 43;72- 76.
  • Ozkaya U, Kilic A, Ozdogan U, Beng K, Kabukcuoglu Y. Comparison between locked intramedullary nailing and plate osteosynthesis in the management of adult forearm fractures. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2009; 43: 14-20.
  • Kilic A, Ozkaya U, Ozdogan U, Gul M, Kabukcuoglu Y. The results of non-surgical treatment for unstable distal radius fractures in elderly patients. Acta OrthopTraumatol Turc. 2009;43: 229- 234.
  • Kilic A, Kabukcuoglu Y, Sokucu S. The treatment of talar body fractures with compression screws. Cases Journal 2009, 2: 7953
  • Kilic A, Kabukcuoglu Y, Ozkaya U, Sokucu S. Early results of open mosaicplasty in osteochondral lesions of the talus. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2009;43: 235- 242
  • Ozkaya U, Bilgili F, Kilic A, Parmaksizoglu AS, Kabukcuoglu Y. Minimally invasive management of unstable proximal femoral extracapsular fractures using reverse LISS femoral locking plates. J.Hip Int 2009;19: 141- 147.
  • Kilic A, Gul M, Bilgili F, Sokucu S, Basilgan S. Our surgical results using volar locked plate in unstable radius distal fractures. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc.2009; 43:303-309
  • Kilic A, Usta A, Bilgili F, Kaleli A. Anatomical course of the superficial branch of the radial nerve in the wrist and its position in relation to wrist arthroscopy portals: a cadaver study. Arthroscopy 2009; 23: 1261-1264.
  • Kilic A, Kabukcuoglu Y, Ozkaya U, Sokucu S. Use of vacuum assisted closure method (VAC®) in the topical treatment of infections of the surgical site. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2009; 43: 159-163.
  • Kilic A, Gul M, Parmaksizoglu A, Sokucu S, Kabukcuoglu Y. Use of arthroscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic wrist pain. SEEAH. Tip Bulteni 2009;43: 159-163.
  • Ozkaya U, Bilgili F, Kilic A, Parmaksizoglu A, Kabukcuoglu Y. Letter to Editor. Arch. Orthop Trauma Surg. 2009. DOI.10. 1007/s00402-010-1076-5.
  • Kilic A, Kabukcuoglu Y, Gul M, Sokucu S, Ozdogan U. Fixed angle volar plate for corrective osteotomy of malunited dorsally tilted distal radial fractures. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2011; 45(5): 297-303
  • Kilic A, Kabukcuoglu Y, Sokucu S, Yeniocak S. Outcomes of four methods in the conservative treatment of fifth metacarpal neck fractures. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg 2012; 18 (2): 167-170
  • Kilic A, Ozkaya U, Gul M, Sokucu S, Basilgan S, Kabukcuoglu Y. Evaluation of the relationship between radiological and functional outcomes obtained by surgical treatment in scaphoid nonunions. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2011; 45(6): 399-405
  • Kilic A, Konopka G, Akelina Y, Regalbuto R, Tang P. Ipsilateral, Cabled Sural Nerve for a Sciatic Nerve Defect: An Experimental Model in the Rat. J Neurosci Methods. 2011; 197 (1): 137-4
  • Ozer K, Kilic A, Sabel A, Ipaktchi K. The role of bone allografts in the treatment of angular malunions of the distal radius. J Hand Surg Am. 2011; 36A: 1804–1809.
  • Kilic A, Aslan A, Mutlu H, Çetinkaya E, May C, Parmaksızoğlu A. Fibular non-vascularized graft might be a practical solution for treatment of osteopenic humeral shaft non-union in elderly obese patient. Jarem. 2011; 1: 15-17.
  • Kilic A, Çepni SK, Polat H, Çetin U, Polat A, Parmaksızoğlu A. Relationship Between Complications and the Learning Curve of Volar Plate Fixation Technique for Distal Radius Fractures Jarem. 2011; 1: 2; 15-20.
  • Kilic A, Huri G. A New Fixation Technique For Phalangeal Neck Fracture in Adults: Report of two cases. Tech in Orthop. 2013: 28:4; 1-4.
  • Tang P, Kilic A, Konopka G, Regalbuto R, Akelina Y, Gardner T. Functional and Histological Outcomes of Nerve Defects Treated with Matched-Diameter Acellular Allograft vs. Cabled Autograft in a Rat Model. Microsurgery.2013, 33:6: 460-67.
  • Kilic A. Ojo B, Rajfer R, Hagg D, Konopka G, Jang E, Akelina Y, Mao J, Rosenwasser M. Tang P. Effect of White Adipose Tissue Flap and Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 on Nerve Regeneration in Rats. Microsurgery. 2013, 33:5:367-75.

Bilimsel toplantılarda basılı olarak sunulan ve bildiri kitabında yer alan bildiriler

  • Orhan Z, Parmaksizoglu A, Kilic A, Yilmaz N, Yazici N. Diagnosis of Pulmonary thrombo-embolism and DVT with Tc-99m scintigraphy. Turkiye Hastane Tip Dergisi. 1994; 48:32- 33.
  • Parmaksizoglu A, Orhan Z, Kilic A, Kurt A, Yilmaz N, Yazici N. Treatment of DVT and pulmonary thrombo-embolism with low molecular heparin. Turkiye Hastane Tip Dergisi. 1994; 48: 31-32
  • Parmaksizoglu AS, Kilic A, Kurt A, Ozer K. IM nailing of tibial shaft fractures. XIV. National Orthopaedic Surgery Congress, 1995: 271-273.
  • Parmaksizoglu AS, Kayiran E, Kilic A, Gorgec M. Femoral shaft fractures treated by intramedullar nailing in adult patients. XVI. National Orthopaedic Surgery Congress, Antalya 1999: 271-273.
  • Kilic A, Ozkaya U, Gorgec M, Saylik M. Supracondylar humerus fractures treated with ORIF. XVII. National Orthopaedic Surgery Congress Antalya. 2001: 646
  • Kilic A, Kayiran E, Gul M, Beng K. Necrotising fasciitis following closed femoral diaphyseal fracture in a child. Meeting of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Antalya. 2004
  • Demir B, Kilic A, Mercan A, Sahin V. Reduction of fractures using bilateral hinged Ilizarov frame. XVIII. National Orthopaedic Surgery Congress, Istanbul. 2003:119
  • Kilic A. Implant arthroplasties of the finger joint (review). Med. Bulletin Taksim Hospital 2005; 35: 5-8.
  • Ulusoy E, Parmaksizoglu A, Kayiran E, Kilic A, Gul M, Ozturk I. Unreamed IM nailing in adult tibia shaft fractures. XIX. National Orthopaedic Surgery Congress, Antalya. 2005: 214.
  • Parmaksizoglu A, Karakas D, Ozkaya U, Kilic A, Kayiran E, Ozturk I. Biological plating of metaphysio-diaphyseal tibia fractures. XIX. National Orthopaedic Surgery Congress, Antalya. 2005: 216.
  • Kilic A, Demir BB, Kayiran E, Sahin V. The role of the radial shortening osteotomy in Litchman grade 3 Kienböck’s disease. XIX. National Orthopaedic Surgery Congress, Antalya. 2005: 155
  • Gul M, Kayiran E, Kilic A, Parmaksizoglu A, Kurtulmus T, Kabukcuoglu Y, The external rotation method for reduction of acute anterior shoulder dislocation IV. Turkish Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Congress Istanbul. 2006: 59.
  • Ozkaya U, Kilic A, Parmaksizoglu A, Ozdogan U, Kabukcuoglu Y. Demographical features of gunshot wounds treated in our hospital. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2007; 41: Suppl. 3: 252-253.
  • Parmaksizoglu A, Gul M, Kilic A, Bilgili F, Ozdogan U. Our results of LISS fixation in distal femoral fractures. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2007: 41: Suppl. 3: 171-172.
  • Bilgili F, Ozkaya U, Parmaksizoglu A, Kilic A, Kabukcuoglu Y. Using LISS Plate system in hip fractures. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2007; 41: Suppl.3: 174.
  • Bilgili F, Ozkaya U, Kabukcuoglu Y, Parmaksizoglu A, May C, Kilic A. An aggressive aneurismal bone cyst. A case report. XXI. National Orthopaedic Surgery Congress, Çeşme. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2009;43:Suppl.1:192
  • Ozkaya U, Parmaksızoglu AS, Kabukçuoglu Y, Kilic A, Ozdoğan U. Using closed reduction and percutaneous fixation technique for distal Tibia epiphyseal fractures. XXI. National Orthopaedic Surgery Congress, Çeşme. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2009;43: Suppl.1:177
  • Gul M, Kilic A, Ozkaya U, Sokucu S, Kabukcuoglu Y. Complex carpal instability: A case report. XXI. National Orthopaedic Surgery Congress, Ceşme. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2009;43:Suppl.1:154
  • Gul M, Ozkaya U, Kilic A, Basılgan S, Kabukcuoglu Y. ACL reconstructions with autologus graft. A case series. XXI. National Orthopaedic Surgery Congress, Çeşme. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2009;43:Suppl.1:131.
  • Bilgili F, Oztoprak O, Gunal B, Kilic A, Kabukcuoglu Y, Ozkaya U. Radiological evaluation of Osgood-Schlatter disease in adolescents. XXI. National Orthopaedic Surgery Congress, Çeşme. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2009;43:Suppl.1:115.
  • Gul M, Sokucu S, Arslan A, Çetinkaya E, Kilic A, Parmaksizoglu A. Early results of all inside suture technique in meniscus tears. A case series. XXII.
  • National Orthopaedic Surgery Congress, Antalya. 2011. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2011;45:Suppl.1:174.
  • Gul M, Basılgan S, Cepni K, Arslan A, Kilic A, Parmaksizoglu A. ACL reconstruction using a single anatomic tunnel through technique. XXII. National Orthopaedic Surgery Congress, Antalya. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2011;45:Suppl.1:175.

Bilimsel toplantılarda podyum konuşması olarak sunulan ve bildiri kitabında yer alan bildiriler

  • Kilic A, Gul M, Bilgili F, Sokucu S, Basilgan S, Kabukcuoglu Y. Comparative results of volar plate fixations for treatment of unstable fractures of the distal radius. XIX. National Orthopaedic Surgery Congress. Antalya, 2008.
  • Kilic A, Kabukcuoglu Y, Gul M, Ozdogan U, Sokucu S. Fixed angle volar plate for corrective osteotomy of malunited dorsally tilted distal radial fractures. Hand and Upper Extremity Congress. Izmir, 2008: 33.
  • Kilic A, Gul M, Kabukcuoglu Y, Sokucu S. Our surgical results using volar locked plate in instabil radius distal fractures. XI. Hand and Upper Extremity Congress. Izmir, 2008: 34.
  • Kilic A, Kabukcuoglu Y, Ozkaya U, Sokucu S. Early results of open mosaicplasty in osteochondral lesions of the talus. European Federation National Associations of Orthopaedic and Traumatology (EFORT) Congress, 2008. Antalya
  • Kilic A. The effectiveness of arthroscopy in chronic wrist pain. XX. National Orthopaedic Surgery Congress, Cesme 2009.
  • Kilic A, Ozkaya U, Gul M, Sokucu S, Basilgan S, Kabukcuoglu Y. Evaluation of the relationship between radiological and functional outcomes obtained by surgical treatment in scaphoid nonunions. XX. National Orthopaedic Surgery Congress, Cesme 2009.
  • Parmaksizoglu AS, Kabukcuoglu Y, Ozkaya U, Kilic A, Yeniocak S, Polat H. Antegrade intramedullary femoral nailing in femoral shaft fractures. XX. National Orthopaedic Surgery Congress, Cesme 2009
  • Gudemez E, Kilic A, Gulgonen A.Long-term results after suspension arthroplasty in patients with arthrosis of the thumb carpometacarpal joint. XX. National Orthopaedic Surgery Congress, Cesme 2009
  • Bilgili F, Kabukcuoglu Y, Parmaksizoglu AS, Kilic A, Mutlu H, Gul M Diagnostic effectiveness of the radiological imaging in bone and soft tissue tumors. XX. National Orthopaedic Surgery Congress, Cesme 2009
  • Ozer K, Kilic A, Ipaktchi K. Corrective Osteotomy for Malunited Fractures of the Distal Radius: Do We Need to Use Bone Graft? Orthopaedic Trauma Association 26 th annual meeting and pre-meeting courses (OTA) Baltimore 2010.
  • Kilic A, Konopka G, Akelina Y, Regalbuto R, Gardner TR, Tang P. Treatment of a segmental nerve defect with use of a cabled sural nevre autogenous graft as a novel experimental model in the rat. American Society for Peripherial Nerve(ASPN) Meeting Cancun 2011.
  • Ozer K, Kilic A, Ipaktchi K. Corrective Osteotomy for Malunited Fractures of the Distal Radius: Do We Need to Use Bone Graft? American Association for Hand Society (AAHS) Meeting. Cancun 2011.
  • Tang P, Konopka G, Kilic A, Akelina Y, Regalbuto R, Gardner TR. Functional outcomes of nevre defects treated with matched- diameter allograft vs. cabled autograft. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) Meeting San Diego 2011.
  • Bilgili F, Sokucu S, Kilic A, Parmaksizoglu AS, Kabukcuoglu YS. Bisphosphonate-associated Low-Energy Femoral Fracture: Conservative and Surgical Treatment. European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT) Meeting Copenhagen 2011
  • Kilic A, Ojo B, Konopka G, Hagg D, Rajfer R, Jang E, Akelina Y, Tang P. Improvement of sciatic nerve regeneration using enriched white adipose tissue flap as a biologic scaffold. World Society for Microsurgery (WSRM) Meeting. Helsinki 2011.
  • Tang P, Konopka G, Kilic A, Akelina Y, Regalbuto R, Gardner TR. Functional outcomes of nerve defects treated with matched- diameter allograft vs. cabled autograft. American Society for Surgery of the Hand. Las Vegas 2011.
  • Danoff J, Kilic A, Rajfer R, Jang E, Akelina Y, Gardner TR, Rosenwasser M. Does Removing Local Soft Callus Influence Early Fracture Healing? American Association for Hand Surgery Meeting (AAHS) Las Vegas-2012
  • Kilic A, Ojo B, Rajfer R, Hagg D, Konopka G, Jang E, Akelina Y, Mao J, Rosenwasser M, Tang P. Sciatic Nerve Regeneration Using Enriched White Adipose Tissue Flap as a Biologic Scaffold. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) Meeting, San Francisco-2012.
  • Danoff J, Kilic A, Rajfer R, Jang E, Akelina Y, Gardner TR, Rosenwasser M. Does Removing Local Soft Callus Influence Early Fracture Healing? American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) Meeting, San Francisco-2012
  • Kilic A, Aybar A, Polat H, Parmaksizoglu A. Two surgical treatment method of advanced Freiberg Disease. A comparative study. Combined Meeting of Orthopaedic Surgery, Istanbul-2012.
  • Kilic A, Bekmezci T, Mugrabi S. The new fixation technique for 5th metacarpal fractures. Combined Meeting of Orthopaedic Surgery, Istanbul-2014.
  • Bekmezci T, Aykut S, Mugrabi S, Cepni SK, Aydogan M, Kilic A. Neoadjuvant Denosumab chemotherapy for giant cell tumor in shoulder area; does it help? 9th Shoulder and Elbow Meeting, Adana-2016.
  • Bekmezci T, Altan E, Cepni SK, Mugrabi S, Aykut S, Kilic A. Early stage outcomes of deltoid split MIPO technique for proximal humerus fracture fixation; the dilemma of calcar fixation screw. 9th Shoulder and Elbow Meeting, Adana-2016.
  • Kilic A, Rajfer Trueblood R. Image-free technigue for creation of a reproducible femur fracture in rats. OTA Meeting Oct 5-8, National Harbour- Maryland-2016.
  • Rajfer R, Kilic A, Hlaing SM, Schulte LM, Neviaser AS, Ebramzadeh E, Landeros J, Ferrini MG, Park SH. Acceleration of fracture healing in the rat modulated by compounds that stimulate inducible nitric oxide synthase. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) Meeting, San Diego-2017
  • Park SH, Rajfer R, Kilic A, Hlaing SM, Schulte LM, Neviaser AS, Ebramzadeh E, Landeros J, Ferrini MG, Park SH. Enhancement of Fracture Healing in the rat modulated by compounds that stimulate inducible nitric oxide synthase. Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) Meeting, San Diego-2017

Çeşitli Derneklerin Süreli Yayın Organlarında Çıkan Yazılı Haberler

  • Reconstructive Microsurgery 2011; 22(1 ):3. R Skoracki, M Klebuc, JE Lipa. What’s New in Reconstructive Microsurgery?
  • Bulletin of Columbia University Spring Vol. Kilic A, Konopka G, Akelina Y, Regalbuto R, Gardner TR, Tang P. Treatment of a segmental nerve defect with use of a cabled sural nevre autogenous graft as a novel experimental model in the rat.
  • Jatros (Das Fachmedium für Unfallchirurgie) September 2011. Bilgili F, Sokucu S, Kilic A, Parmaksizoglu A, Çepni K, Kabukcuoglu Y. Comparisons of Extra-articular Distal Tibia Fractures: Percutaneous Locked Plating vs Intramedullary Nailing.
  • American Society for Peripheral Nerve Fall 2011; 1(2) Kilic A, Ojo B, Rajfer R, Hagg D, Konopka G, Jang E, Akelina Y, Mao J, Rosenwasser M, Tang P. Sciatic Nerve Regeneration Using Enriched White Adipose Tissue Flap as a Biologic Scaffold.
  • . Podiatry Today March-2014 Kilic A, Cepni KS, Aybar A, Polat H, May C, Parmaksizoglu AS. A comperative study between two different surgical techniques in the treatment of late-stage Freiberg's disease. Foot Ankle Surg. 2013 Dec;19(4):234-8.